21 Jul 2012


Just Simple Grammar Exercise

1.  Comparatives and Superlatives

     Put the correct of comparison
  1. Which do you think is Beter ? Reading or playing computer games?
  2. Mountain climbing is Less Dangerous Than  snow - boarding.
  3. She is More Hard Working Than her brother
  4. Asia is Much Bigger Than Europea
  5.  Singapore A Lot More Modern than Paris 
2.  Adjectival Phrases. Put the correct  Adjectival Phrases
  1. Journeys by sea used to be Easy and dangerous
  2. Yesterday was  Long and Tiring so I slept really well last night
  3. My grandmother is always Well-Dress
  4. The  End of – Term test was very difficult
  5. The book we had to read over the weekend was Long but Exciting

3.  The Simple Past and Past Continuous Tenses
      Put the correct  Simple Past and Past Continuous Tenses
  1. I Had a lovely time in the park at the weekend.
  2. Yesterday I  Felti  ill, so I  didn’t going to school.
  3. I  Knew all the answers in the test
  4. Where  Did  you Put my dictionary?
  5. Did you Do your home work?
4. The Passive Voice
     Put the correct  form of the  verb used in the passive
  1. Sand  Is used to make glass
  2. Many accidents in the home  Are caused by  slippery  floors
  3. You can’t come to the party. You Are not invited
  4. These flats  Are designed  for elderly people
  5. Talking Is for bidden in the library
5.  The Zero Conditional and the First Conditional
      Put the  correct conjunction or verb.
  1. If  the weather is fine tomorrow, we Will have  a picnic
  2. Victor, you will get a stomach ache if you Eat  that quickly
  3. Mum, if I Promises  to be very quiet, can I stay up and watch the end of the film
  4. If you are nice to people, they  Were  nice to you
  5. If you Play with fire, you”ll get burnt
6. The Second Conditional
     Put the  correct  form of the verb to express the second  conditional
  1. If  I Had more money, I  could buy that DVD
  2. If  I Knew  the answer, I would tell you
  3. I’d learn to ride a motorbike if I Were  sixteen
  4. Terry  would  get  better  marks  if  he Worked harder
  5.  You wouldn’t  be  so tired  if  you  Went  to bed earlier
7.  Indirect Speech
     Put the  correct  answer. 
  1. She said, “I’am leaving tomorrow morning”.  She told me that she Was leaving the next morning
  2. He said, “I’ll see you later”.  He told me that he  Would see me later
  3. The techer  said to me, “your marks are better”.The teacher told me that    My marks were much better
  4. He said, “We went to our uncle’s house”. He told them that They had been  to their uncles’s house
  5. Mary said, “Ann isn’t feeling well”.  Mary told me that Ann  Wasn’t feeling well
8. Different Ways of Talking about the Future
    Put the  correct  form of the verb to talk about future.
  1. Mum, you look tired. You rest and i Will do the washing - up
  2. I  hope  she Will pass the test tomorrow
  3. Jack Won’t be home in time for dinner tonight
  4. What  Will  life be like on earth  in 2050?
  5. Next year Mrs Gill Is going to teach  in a school in New Zealand
9. Modals : Making Requests and Deducations, and Expressing Obligation. Put the  correct modal
  1. Must remember to phone Sam tonight
  2. You  Have to complete this work by Friday
  3. Do  I  have bring a packed lunch with you?
  4. I think you Ought to wear your best  clothes to the party
  5. We  Must not make a noise. Grandma is taking a nap
10. Habits in the past : Using Modals and Used to
      Put the  correct  answer 
  1. My grandfather Used to smoke but he doesn’t now
  2. This town  Used to be much smaller than it is now
  3. People  Use to write  more letters than they do now.
  4. I Use to collect stamps when I was younger
  5. Do you think people Use to be  more polite than they are now?


Yuk menambah kosa kata bahasa inggris...biar cas cis cus nya gampang.......

Possessive           = Kata ganti kepunyaan
Pronouns             = Kata ganti
Nouns                  = Kata benda
Singular              = Bentuk tunggal 
Plural                   = Bentuk jamak
Preposition         = Kata depan
Company            = perusahaan , teman-teman
Demonstrative    = pronoun kata ganti penunjuk
Concord              = penyesuaian / persesuaian.
Subject                = pokok kalimat
Regular               = beraturan (Regular verb)
Iregular               = tidak beraturan (Iregular verb)
Adjective             = Kata sifat
Verb                     = Kata kerja
Modal                  = Kata bantu pengandaian
Auxiliary             = Pelengkap (Auxiliary Verb)
Superlative         = Bentuk superlatif (Superlative degree )
Degree                 = Ukuran , kadar, tingkat
Question             = Soal, pertanyaan
Comparative      = Perbandingan

Conjunction       = Konjungsi / penggabungan
Phrase                 = Ungkapan


Yuk Asah Otak...Pasti bermanfaat deh buat kita-kita.......)

1.    Apa yang dimasud dengan zoon politicon?
2.    Sebutkan fungsi norma dalam masyarakat!
3.    Sebutkan 4 jenis norma di tengah masyarakat!
4.    Apa yg dimaksud dengan norma Agama?
5.    Apa yg dimaksud dengan norma Kesusilaan?
6.    Apa yg dimaksud dengan norma Kesopanan?7.    Apa yg dimaksud dengan norma Hukum?
8.    Apa yang dimaksud dengan adat istiadat?
9.    Sebutkan 3 pengertian hukum adat menurut C.Snouck Hurgronje!
10.  Sebutkan 4 unsur-unsur hukum!
11.  Sebutkan 2 ciri-ciri hukum!
12.  Sebutkan 2 sifat-sifat hukum!
13.  Sebutkan tujuan hukum menurut L.J.Van Apeldoorn!
14.  Sebutkan tujuan hukum menurut J.Van Kan!
15.  Sebutkan tujuan hukum menurut E. Utrecht!
16.  Sebutkan 3 fungsi hukum menurut Bachsan Mustafa!
17.  Sebutkan 5 sumber hukum di Indonesia!
18.  Hukum tertulis adalah?
19.  Hukum tidak tertulis adalah?
20.  Hukum sipil adalah?
21.  Hukum Perdata adalah?
22.  Hukum Dagang adalah?
23.  Hukum Negara adalah?
24.  Hukum tata negara adalah?
25.  Hukum administrasi negara adalah?
26.  Hukum pidana adalah?
27.  Hukum Pidana Umum adalah?
28.  Hukum Pidana Khusus adalah?
29.  Hukum Internasional adalah?
30.  Hukum Perdata Internasional adalah?
31.  Hukum Publik Internasional adalah?
32.  Hukum yang memaksa artinya?
33.  Hukum yang mengatur artinya?
34.  Hukum Nasional adalah?
35.  Hukum Gereja adalah?
36.  Sebutkan 3 jenis hukum menururt waktu berlakunya!
37.  Sebutkan 2 jenis hukum menururt cara mempertahankannya!
38.  Jelaskan perbedaan Kebiasaan dan peraturan!
39.  Menurut Kamus besar Bahasa Indonesia Adat adalah?
40.  a.  Sebutkan isi Pasal 338 KUHPidana!
        b.   Sebutkan isi Pasal 1365 KUHPerdata!